Monday, September 3, 2012

The Beginning

So, the time has finally come.  I'm leaving for Beijing in less than 24 hours.  It still seems so unreal.  I feel like it really won't hit me until tomorrow morning when the plane takes off and I realize it will be another 5 months before I get to see any of my friends and family.  It's a mixture of excitement and sadness since I know I'll be missing out on a lot especially since I'll be gone for a couple of holidays too.  However... I'm sure I'll be celebrating it in China! And I'll have to report back on how different things are over there.

I finally started packing this morning.  I couldn't procrastinate any longer.  I remember when I was a kid, I would pack 1 month ahead of our trip because I was so excited.  Even though I'm excited for this trip, I think I've become so tired of the whole packing and unpacking process.  It's also been a little tough planning out what I need to bring and how much.  Especially since I can only check in one bag for free, I need to be somewhat strategic in packing.  Anddd, I wanna make sure to leave room for all the stuff I'm sure I'll bring back!  It's a little weird packing pens, notebooks, and folders since those aren't in my usual list of things to pack when I travel.

In this whole process, I've realized how badly I can procrastinate.  Things like applying for classes, applying for visas, finding information out about the school, and packing which I did at really the last possible time.  But I still got it done! Which is what really matters, right? 

Well, I hope that I'll be able to update this blog pretty frequently and keep everyone in the loop about all my adventures.  I'll make sure to take tons of pics (especially of the fooooood :D) and post them for you guys to see!


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